Home » How Was the Year 2012 for the Device and SEO Sector

How Was the Year 2012 for the Device and SEO Sector

by John

2013 is already right here. All of us celebrated it with great excitement. Yes, 2012 had actually been a memorable year for many of us. I personally suggest that annually is memorable somehow or the various other, be it on the specialist front or the personal premises. Keeping the individual things individual, allow’s speak about the expert front a little bit.

I operate in the IT market, which is the reason that I go on writing about IT associated problems. 2012 showed to be an excellent year for IT in many aspects. The important things which attract me most are search engine optimization as well as gadgets. Allow’s review the year for every of those.

SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION: For the search engine optimization specialists, the year 2012 was almost like a year of scary. Google pushed out lots of significant updates in 2012, mainly the Panda version as well as the Penguin version. There went to least 3 Penguin updates, which Google calls significant updates. These updates literally re-shaped exactly how SEO market was acting. Aside from that, there were at least twenty 2 Panda updates, which Google calls small updates. Aside from that, Google likewise brought out the famous “Exact Suit Domain Name” (EMD) update.

Much tension was laid on fresh, unique, appropriate and also valuable content as well as value of ‘link-building’ was considerably decreased. As a result, web content creators made merry while typical SEO practices experienced a great deal.


Google likewise boiled down severely on websites going against DMCA and also removed 50 million pages from its SERP which violated the DMCA.

Gadgets: This year saw a few of the greatest modifications since 2008. The brand-new iPhone 5 was released amongst much fanfare and also Google introduced its own Nexus 4 as well as Nexus 10; the previous being a Smartphone made in cooperation with LG as well as the latter being a 10 inch Android powered tablet made by Samsung.

Samsung and Apple kept their horns locked in legal battles concerning copyrights and various other points, all over the world. This reminds me that Apple eliminated Google Maps from iPhone. Actually attempted to replace it with their own map, but after much color and also cry, Google Maps were re-introduced for iPhone customers.

The year 2012 likewise saw another modification in individual computer fad. For the very first time, more people accessed the net utilizing portable gadgets than laptops and also PCs. There was a survey which claims that we will see a larger handheld gadget market than the PC and laptop market with each other in 2013. This has actually led numerous business to dive themselves into mobile application and also mobile site growth.

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